Pharao posing in Edinburgh
Whoah, we're almost half way through the year! And as a result, we're moving onto the last few shooting days for the Podenco Photography Project. Mind blowing, truly! I can't believe how quick this year is progressing.
Last weekend, we were in Edinburgh, and since getting back I have been busy editing the gorgeous results.
The more podencos I photograph, the more I am convinced they are the perfect models: all of them simply nail their poses, are easy to work with and just look spectacular.
Pharao - pictured above - was one of the Edinburgh models and he did a great job. He was the first model of the day, and we even managed a cheeky photo at Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens. In fact, these flowers were just next to the fountain, and just after this photo was taken, we were promptly chased away by a park guard - oops!
I also loved seeing Tita again (who I photographed last year for the PINS 2023 calendar), and meeting Scarlet, Patsy and Ray (and his friend Barney).
The next shoot day will take us to Culross, which I am particularly looking forward to, because I think the village setting will make for a super pretty background.
After Culross, we're going to Glencoe for some majestic landscapes - I can't wait, and I think we'll simply knock it out of the park.
The Glencoe shoot day will take us to the end of June, and then we have a little break until mid-August for our last shoot in the heather.
Looking forward to all the good things to come :)