Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great start to the New Year.
2021 was a pretty awesome year - photographically speaking - lol. Here are some of my personal highlights:
I was a finalist in the International Pet Photographer Awards with a picture of my gorgeous boy, plus I appeared in our local newspaper, the Greenock Telegraph:

I managed to visit my family and friends after 2 years of pandemic travel restrictions. Plus I attended the epic workshop by Claudio Piccoli: Dogs in Action 4.0 in De Haan, Belgium (more about this in a next blog post).
I found 4 old film cameras, bought some film rolls and shot my first film roll since film school:

Picture shot with a Pentax MV 35mm camera, Kodak ColorPlus 200 film.
I upgraded my trusty Nikon D500 to the mirrorless Nikon Z6 II, look out for a blog post about this upgrade in the near future.
I started a Facebook group together with my fellow pet photographer friend Sara: Pet Photography Models Scotland. The group is meant for Scottish pet photographers who are looking for Scottish pet models, and Scottish pet owners who are looking for Scottish pet photographers. If you would like to know more, please feel free to check us out and join the group!
And of course, I met a lot of gorgeous dogs and their wonderful humans in 2021. Heartfelt thanks go to each an everyone of you.
As a final note, I thought it would be nice to show you some of the pictures I took throughout the past year. Here goes, I hope you like 'em:
If you would be interested in a photoshoot for your dog in 2022, please give me a shout - I'd be happy to help!